I’ve given it a lot of thought, and Thanksgiving is the best holiday: – Like most big holidays, it’s an excuse to travel and get the family together when they […]
A Brief list of Coronavirus Symptoms, as Researched and Presented by the American Astrological Association
You have a slight cough. Mostly dry, but possibly also wet. You have a stuffy nose, and accordingly, difficulty discerning smells. You can be hard to get to know, sometimes […]
The Copycat (Part 2 of 2)
[Note: This is part 2 of 2. Start with part 1.] “Your Flavor,” Lima’s newest campaign, was an overnight hit. Sales, reported Christy, were up to unprecedented levels for late […]
The Copycat (part 1 of 2)
It was Friday evening and their weekend should have already begun, but instead the team at Praxis Adaptive were rapt around a single conference phone. Praxis, as it was often […]
Designated Survivor: Alternate Show Concepts
Some hastily-generated shows developed for sale to networks trying to duplicate the success of Designated Survivor with Kiefer Sutherland: Eminent Last Guy Second-to-Final Bro The Thirteenth Groomsman Governmental Spotter Just-In-Case Jim The […]
The Lisa Simpson Problem
The New York Times seems to have caught on to what I have been saying all along: that candidate Hillary Clinton has a Lisa Simpson problem. For those of us […]
A Sample of Editorial Cuts Suggested By The Travel Channel’s Standards & Practices Dept. to the Producers of “Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern”
“My translator tells me that your grandparents referred to human meat as ‘Long Pig?’ What. He did.” (Papua New Guinea) “What effect would you say the depleted uranium has had […]